Monday, March 5, 2012

Kelly William-Bolar in Ohio is A White Mormon in Utah Who Does not Get Arrested

The difference between Kelly and the Mormon in Utah, is that she was
 born black with a Curse of Ham while the Mormons are white and "delightsome".

They said she altered the school documents. White Mormons in Utah government altered my state and federal files. Kelly was arrested. Mormons were not arrested.

Why was it a crime in Ohio for a Black Mother to "alter" school documents
and yet not a crime in Utah when a Black Mother's documents are altered by Mormon Wigs in leadership positions?

Aha! It is a crime depending on who is doing what, or what, what you were born with and without?

Can You Alter Documents and Get Away With it?

Mormons in Government Get Away with Altering Official Documents

Mormon Leaders in Utah Mishandle a Student's File by Mischaracterizing the Facts:
Let us admit that people make mistakes and sometimes others get arrested for mistakes of others.
That sounded like a line out of The Mayor of Casterbridge. Ha!

Now, can you tell me  there was a computer error that screwed up the records that cannot be fixed? Do you know why my diploma has wrong dates even though the Mormon university attorney Richard Hill claims their system was messed up in 2005 or so? Do you know why I had to go to court to defend myself against their computers that had brains and operated themselves?

It is 2012.  I am still black. They still promise to release a good diploma especially when my good friends call them up on my behalf or when other government officials call inquire. It is the Victorian thing to put on good airs.  Just like promise and promised to fix Curse of Ham. 

Yet if you read the story of Kelly Williams Bolar, the kind of activity to alter official document lands a person in Jail in Ohio. When Mormons foul a black persons record, it is not a crime. Why?

So, what do you think is the story in Utah?

Do you know what is bizarre about this letter?  PROBABILITIES
Hill talks about what might have  damaged my student files.  You have as your major premise a probability and have a definite conclusion?  Victoria might be a girl therefore she is a girl...Does anything here bother you? Richard said there were probabilities showing what might have happened to the status. But something DID happen to the status? Huh? Shouldn't  the conclusion to his argument be that  status "might' be damaged or that something "might" have happened so the status? But we know that it is damaged even as we speak. Is this weird to you?

2012. Files are still damaged leaving me in a legal limbo so that I would be forever be paralysed. Yet again, very fitting for someone born with a curse and experiencing bad luck in Utah.

So when a Utah Republican says "let us make them self-deport", ask for clarification.

When you read the US Constitution, do you see anywhere where it says that states can  damage students' immigration files and then expect students to pay? I paid. I continue to pay. My student records were in essence my immigration files they adulterated but never corrected. Ever since this time, my record remain defiled at DHS/USCIS/ICE. When I say they should fix my files because I got this status by corresponding to  US federal government for permissions that the state of Utah damaged. They say "Go to the Feds". But I was not attending school at the "Feds" and they admit they the state of Utah are responsible.

Why do they flip-flop and then treat me like a baboon? Why have they delayed for years before they could clean up after themselves?

Mark Shurtleff AG and Office says : "you are no longer in school." But the files are still damaged. My diploma is still incorrect and they agreed they were in error. Just like they agreed Curse of Ham was an error.  Fix it. Ask the judge in Ohio. Let them go to jail for breading the law if they need to. Let them pay their dues as a big portion of their commitment to abandoning racism. What happened here in Utah with government officials "creating" documents is a crime in many places outside Utah as well as in other civilized nations of the world.

Please bear with me. I have to return at a later time to edit several of my blogs,but I could not wait to perfect the English when I know I was not born with clean grammar...hahahahah. Will be back.


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